Master Financial Spreadsheets
Struggling to track your finances, but not ready to pay for QuickBooks?
Get 6 powerful Google spreadsheets to help you gain control of your finances. These spreadsheets are perfect for new freelancers who need financial organization, but aren’t ready to invest in professional accounting software.
- 6 powerful, plug and play Google Sheets
- Simple formulas for easy updating
- Completely customizable
- Manage irregular freelance income without paid software
- Track your budget, expenses, paychecks, taxes, sales pipeline, and more!
Monthly Paycheck Divider
Do you have multiple income sources such as 1099 freelance income (pre-tax) and some W-2 payroll income (post-tax)? This worksheet has you covered. It tells you what you should save, automatically deducts your expenses, and tells you where the leftover money should go.
Itemized Tax Deductions
This worksheet shows you what you can deduct from your income each quarter. The irregular, quarterly estimated tax breakdown is accounted for in this worksheet.
Sales Pipeline
This worksheet allows you to see at a glance what projects you won and lost this year while comparing your progress to previous years. At a glance, you can see how many project inquiries you get each year, what you earned from each, your total gross income, and your lifetime freelance income.
Monthly & Annualized Expenses
Easily keep track of your personal and business expenses each month. The annualized view shows what you need to make each year in order to survive. This worksheet powers the formulas in other sheets such as the Monthly Paycheck Divider.
Annual Income Projector
Are you ambitious and curious to see how this year will go if you make a certain amount of money? Just enter what you think you’ll make into the annual income cell and the worksheet will tell you everything about the upcoming year in detail.
Annual Income Tracker
It’s important to keep track of every penny you made in a calendar year. This is a simple worksheet that tallies up your pre-tax earnings for a birds-eye view of how you did this year.
Additional Details
Do you struggle to keep your finances organized each month? Do you have multiple income sources from different clients? Is it difficult to put money away for tax season while managing your expenses? Managing your financial life can be a headache. These spreadsheets will help you simplify things!
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! You'll get an .xlsx file so you aren't required to use Google Sheets. I've done my best to maintain the formatting, but there may be slight differences.
Yes! You'll get a plain text file with instructions on how to use the spreadsheets that includes a link so you can easily copy them to your Google Drive account.
If you're having trouble or want to ask a question before purchase, please email me at and I'll help you out.
If you don’t find this product valuable at all or if it’s just not what you were expecting, let me know. Refund requests will be handled on an individual basis.
This bundle includes a single Google Spreadsheet with 6 worksheets inside of it. So you'll get access to 6 spreadsheets, which are organized into one file via tabs.
Yes! The spreadsheets are intelligent, meaning that the formulas reference each other. For example, your monthly income automatically subtract your expenses from another sheet to show you the true net income you earned